
NE12 Sixth Form

Careers, Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)

Our key focus

At George Stephenson High School, we understand that Careers Education has never been more important for our students.  This is driving us to continually build on our current CEIAG provision to ensure that all students are informed about the options available to them both on a local and national level.  Students also enjoy experiences from our external links and will gain a detailed knowledge of the offering provided by apprenticeships, technical routes, sixth form and further education colleges, universities and employment. 

Inspiring students to be passionate, confident and aspirational about their career choices, and equipping them with the skills, qualities and experiences needed for successful and happy futures.

What we aim to offer

We aim to offer a comprehensive careers programme which enables our students to gain an understanding of the vast array of careers options that may be suitable for them on a personal level.  This begins with focus on high aspirations, in addition to building skills and confidence, and putting into place practical plans of how potential career paths can be achieved.  Students also have the opportunity to talk to employers and receive guidance on a personal level around the selection of appropriate subject choices or career paths, with the aim of supporting their individual career plans. 

Monitoring of student progress throughout their time at school has never been more important to ensure that students are aware of new career opportunities and are on-track to achieve their desired goals.  This often involves offering tailored opportunities based on the unique needs of students.  

Gatsby Benchmarks

As a whole school, we are working towards achieving the Gatsby Benchmarks. These are the 8 foundations of good careers guidance and our aim is that they permeate teaching throughout the school.  This includes supportive careers information from subject specialists, pastoral support and timetabled careers lessons. 

What makes us different?

Supporting our students to achieve successful outcomes within their studied subjects is just one aspect of what we are trying to achieve.  We recognise that all this effort and hard work is an enabling mechanism for students to fulfil their wider ambitions.  This is where CEIAG sits at the heart of school life.  We are so passionate about this that we provide our students with timetabled careers lessons in addition to the great work that is undertaken throughout the school.  We are constantly improving our school CEIAG policy. 

Please click here for information on Careers lessons.

Labour Market Information (LMI) for parents and staff

This is a very useful widget which enables you to search for the key information on most careers.  It is frequently updated and can be used to start a careers conversation at home, provide more clarity on a young person’s career preference or could be used as part of a classroom activity/discussion.  At school students can access a more detailed review of their career preference, using Unifrog, and all students have a personalised printout.

Parent Guide Apprenticeships

Downloadable File

2024 Parent Guide

Downloadable File

Careers Roundup Newsletter

Downloadable File

Parental Engagement Conversation Cards

Downloadable File

Information for Year 11 and Year 13 Students

You are still able to access your unifrog account and access the careers information stored there. You can download your CV and any other information that you have stored to keep it for the future, as well as accessing all of the career profiles and how to guides. This will be a really useful resource whilst you are deciding what your next steps may be: 

Jill and James from Connexions are also still available for your queries, so if you would like to ask them anything about 6th from option, colleges or apprenticeships please use the contact info below:                                                 

Parents Guide Paths to Professional Careers

External URL

Parents Guide to Apprenticeships

External URL

Parents Pack for Apprenticeships

External URL

Download our CEIAG Policy

Downloadable File

Provider Access Policy

Downloadable File

Introduction to Careers in Year 7

Careers information video

Work Experience

Careers Information Video

The Options Process

Careers Information Video

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