
NE12 Sixth Form

Business and Enterprise

Ms A Eastwood (AEA) Curriculum Leader
Mrs C Jordan (CJO) Teacher (part time)

What is the intent of the Business curriculum?

To build key life skills (confidence, decision making, numeracy, literacy, a can-do attitude, resilience, analysing, evaluating, interpreting etc.),

To foster a passion for business by making lessons interesting, varied and relevant (linking to business news and a range of activities),

To attract more female students into the department through the careful selection of organisations used and the classroom strategies deployed.

To provide the best pathways for students to take their desire for learning further (A Level introduction to facilitate entry to all universities and not just ‘most’),

To ensure that timely assessment supports students to make aspirational levels of progress through PiXL strategies and achieve impressive outcomes.

Business Scheme of Works

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