
NE12 Sixth Form


The Governing Body of George Stephenson High School is made up of 2 staff governors (including the Headteacher), 5 elected Parent Governors, 2 Trust Governors, 1 Local Authority Governor and 7 Co-opted governors. Co-opted governors are appointed by the Governing Body and are people who, in the opinion of the governing body, have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. The term of office for our Governors is four years.

The full Governing Body is chaired by Andrew Elliott and meets once per term, and we also have a number of sub-committees to consider different aspects of the school in detail. The full governing body has delegated authority to each sub-committee to plan and make decisions in line with their subject scope. Both the subject scope and any decisions are ratified at the full governing body. The sub-committees that meet termly are Personnel, Curriculum, Post-16 and Finance, Premises and Health and Safety.

In accordance with the Government's requirement for all governing bodies, the Governing Body of George Stephenson High School has a strong focus on its three core strategic functions:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils;
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The Governing Body of George Stephenson High School, like the whole school has worked over the last year on defining its role and responsibilities. We believe our role is to advise, support and challenge the school in order to deliver outstanding education. We will do this by:-

  • Contributing to a structured involvement in school Governance
  • Listening, challenging and feeding back across all aspects of school life
  • Keeping informed on local and national education issues and using and improving our skillset and strengths to support continuous school improvement.
  • Being accountable to each other and to our Parents, Community, the Local Authority, Students and School for our actions.
  • At all times being a critical friend.

Please direct all correspondence for the attention of our Governing Body to:

Mrs A Cowen, Clerk to the Governing Body 

George Stephenson High School 

Southgate, Killingworth 

Newcastle upon Tyne 

NE12 6SA

Alternatively, correspondence may be sent directly to the Chair of Governors, at the above address.

Please see below for a full list of Governors, their relevant business and pecuniary interests, their attendance record and other relevant documents.

Governing Body of George Stephenson High School

Governing Body 2023/24

Downloadable File

Governor Meeting Dates

2023/2024 Meeting Dates

Downloadable File

Governor Attendance

Attendance Record 2022/2023

Downloadable File

Attendance Record 2021/2022

Downloadable File

Constitution of Committees

Constitution of Committees 2023-2024

Downloadable File

Documents available for download

Governing Body Code of Conduct

Downloadable File

Curriculum Committee Terms of Reference

Downloadable File

Finance, Buildings and Health and Safety Committee Terms of Reference

Downloadable File

Personnel Committee Terms of Reference

Downloadable File

Post-16 Committee Terms of Reference

Downloadable File

Annual Governance Statement 2021/22

Downloadable File

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