Information about
Year 9 Options
Welcome to the Year 9 Options process
This page provides all the essential information you and your family need to make informed and ambitious choices for GCSE study.
We are committed to supporting every student in making decisions that reflect our core values of Ambition, Community, and Respect.
· Ambition: We encourage students to challenge themselves and aim high when selecting their options, thinking carefully about their future goals and aspirations.
· Community: Families play a vital role in this decision-making process. The resources available here, including downloadable documents and video presentations, are designed to help both students and parents feel informed and supported when making these important choices together.
· Respect: We ensure that every student’s choices are valued and considered carefully as part of the options process.
Key Information:
· All students will attend an Options Assembly on Wednesday 8th January 2025 to launch the process
· All families will receive the Options Booklet and have access to the online subject presentations from Monday 13th January 2025
· All students will study English Language, English Literature, Maths and Science (Core Subjects)
· Students will complete an Initial Interest Form where they will select and rank the subjects they wish to study in Years 10 and 11
· At least one subject must be chosen from Geography, History, French, or Spanish to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum
· An Options Evening will be held on Thursday 30th January for Parents/Carers and Students. This evening will including a Headteacher Presentation, Department Visits and 1:1 Option Advisor Meeting
· Option choices will be selected at the Options Evening or submitted via a Microsoft Form, which will be sent to parents by text message
· The deadline for selection and submission is Friday 14th February 2025.
Below you will find a link to our Options Booklet, the slides from the Student Assembly (08.01.25) and subject information videos. Please take time to process the range of information and guidance available, we do welcome conversations with parents/carers during the process and will do our best to answer queries quickly. At each stage in the process, you will be kept informed. Do not hesitate to contact Mr Harrison, Year 9 Guidance Manager, or Mr Houghton, Year 9 Progress Leader, with any queries.
Please view our Options booklet to help you make your decisions.
Please view the slides from our Options Assembly,
Please view the letter we have sent to parents on the Options process

Y9 to Y10 Options - Maths
If you have any queries related to Maths please email: JTorbitt@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - BTEC Digital Information Technology
If you have any queries related to BBTEC Digital Information Technology please email: NFenn@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Business and Careers
If you have any queries related to Business and Careers please email: AEastwood@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - Geography
If you have any queries related to Geography please email: JWalby@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - PE
If you have any queries related to PE please email: MOdea@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - Modern Foreign Languages
If you have any queries related to MFL please email: LPrior@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Art Textiles
Y9 to Y10 Options - Art
TATE modern link found within the video) is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKjkx6PzajE
If you have any queries related to Art and Art Textiles please email: ADouglas@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Photography
If you have any queries related to Photography please email: ADouglas@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - History
If you have any queries related to History please email: CWard@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Computer Science
If you have any queries related to Computer Science please email: NFenn@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - Religious Studies
If you have any queries related to RS please email: ARigby@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Media Studies
If you have any queries related to Media Studies please email: MScott@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - WJEC Hospitality and Catering
If you have any queries related to Hospitality and Catering please email: AIngham@gshs.org.uk

Health and Social Care Cambridge National Level 1 and 2
If you have any queries related to Health and Social please email: AIngham@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - English
If you have any queries related to English please email: HBell@gshs.org.uk

Y9 to Y10 Options - Drama GCSE
If you have any queries related to Music and Drama please email: CConnor@gshs.org.uk
Y9 to Y10 Options - Science
If you have any queries related to Science please email: CJames@gshs.org.uk