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Subject Introductions and Taster Sessions

As we're unable to host our usual open evening for year 11 students, teaching staff at NE12 Sixth Form have produced narrated PowerPoints, videos and taster tasks delivered outlining their subjects. Watching these videos and completing taster tasks will be hugely valuable in supporting students to make their subject choices.

If you are considering subjects at Longbenton High School, please visit their website to view their subject introductions:

Biology Introduction

Biology Session - Gas Exchange

Chemistry Introduction


Chemistry Taster Session

Physics Introduction

Physics Taster Session

Maths Introduction


Maths Taster Session


English Literature Introduction

English Literature


English Literature Taster Session

English Language

English Language Introduction and Taster Session

English Language Taster Resource - Chav Article

English Language Taster Resource - Ill Manors

Sociology Introduction



Sociology Taster Session

Philosophy and Ethics Taster Introduction


Psychology Introduction

Psychology Taster Session

Philosophy and Ethics 

Philosophy and Ethics Taster Session


History Introduction

Politics Introduction


Business Introduction and Taster Session

BTEC Sport Introduction

BTEC Sport 

BTEC Sport Taster Session


Geography Introduction and Taster

French Introduction

French Taster Session

Spanish Introduction


Art Introduction and Taster Session

Media Studies Introduction


Media Studies Taster Session

BTEC Music

BTEC Music Introduction

Single and Double Health and Social Care Introduction

Single and Double Health and Social Care

A Level Computer Science

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