Information about
Home Learning
Home Learning
Home learning is an integral part of learning and teaching. Effective home learning is central to raising achievement at all levels. Every piece of home learning that students receive should be based around one of the school priorities of retention, challenge or exam preparation.
At all Key Stages, home learning aims to:
reinforce classroom learning;
extend students where appropriate;
support students where appropriate;
promote enthusiasm and motivation for study;
develop self-discipline, confidence and organisational skills;
encourage students to take pride in their work;
strengthen links between home and school, enabling parents to take an active role in students’ learning;
develop autonomous, independent learners.
Home learning will take a variety of forms to meet the needs of different subjects. It might include:
learning key words or facts for a knowledge quiz;
researching a topic in preparation for a lesson;
short answers;
extended writing;
redrafting / reworking of tasks;
ranking tasks;
annotation of texts;
creating diagrams;
planning answers;
practice examination answers;
Students in Years 7 and 8 will have 35 minutes reading per day as part of the Accelerated Reader programme.
All Home Learning is set through SIMS Engagement and will appear in the SIMS Parent App and the SIMS Student App. From here you will be able to see all tasks set and the date that they are due in as well as access linked resources.
Instructions of how to sign up can be found on the school website using this link;
If you experience technical difficulties or have any questions relating to SIMS APP, please use the dedicated email address below and someone will get back to you.
Please also ensure that you check your child’s planner regularly as all home learning is recorded there.
Your child can access Office 365 (for email) at the link below: