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0191 216 1115


Information about

Mellors are the schools catering provider
For all enquiries on school meals, please contact the Catering Manager and his team on:


0191 2165164

(between 7am and 3pm or leave a voicemail)

Please state your child's Full Name and Year Group on any enquiries.

New Plastic Free Drinks range

After a recent focus group survey, trying a new range of plastic free soft drinks it has been decided we will launch this range in September. There is a wide range of flavoured waters, as well as some current favourites.

Please watch out for more updates from school council groups and theme days

New Plastic Free Drinks range

You can make an application for Free School Meals via North Tyneside Council.

You can apply by clicking on the link below or you can contact Student Support on 0191 6432288 (option 2).

Information and eligibility criteria for free schools can be found here


Mellors Catering Price List

Cashless Catering Leaflet

ParentMail Easy Guide - Top Up Dinner Money

ParentMail Instructions; Top Ups and Viewing Your Account

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