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0191 216 1115


Charging and

Charges for School Activities - Policy Statement of Governors of GSHS

The Governors of GSHS observe the law as laid down in the 1988 Education Reform Act with regard to charges for school activities. Under normal circumstances voluntary contributions will be requested for the following activities: - individual music tuition - activities offered to enhance the curriculum but which take place wholly or mainly - outside normal school hours - examination fees where a student fails, without good reason, to take an examination   for which he/she has been entered - examination entry for examinations other than the prescribed public examinations - materials, books, transport, instruments and equipment for optional extras to the   statutory curriculum - board and lodging on a residential trip

Some school trips are organised by a third party e.g. a travel company, and under those circumstances charges may be levied by the third party, e.g. for a trip abroad.

When any activity is organised, anyone in receipt of Family Credit or Income Support is entitled to claim exemption from charges for board and lodging on residential trips that are not optional extras but are an essential part of the curricular provision of the school.

Please do not hesitate to contact the school if your son/daughter is unable to take part in a trip or visit for financial reasons.


We will always do our best to help and guarantee that the problem will be dealt with discreetly and confidentially.

Please note that cheques are no longer accepted by the school. 

Our latest Charging and Remissions Policy can be found in the Policies section of our website

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