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Student life and School Day

Life as a student in NE12 Sixth Form is incredibly different to being in year 11 and students experience a lot more freedom and independence. At George Stephenson, our students have access to two study rooms which have IT facilities and resources to support their studies. Lockers are available to all students too. Our common room provides students with a place to relax during social times where they can make hot drinks and have lunch. When students aren’t in lessons, they can leave the site whenever they like to go home or visit local amenities.

Our school day is slightly different to the main school as our subjects are taught in blocks of three rather than as single lessons. Each student will also have a block of three study lessons added to their timetable where they complete independent work in our study room. Depending on which option blocks you’ve chosen, the days and times of taught lessons and study lessons will vary.


An example timetable can be downloaded here.

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