Information about
Digital Consent
Digital Consent
At George Stephenson High School we are now collecting consent forms digitally via Sims Parent and ParentMail or Microsoft Forms when your child enrols at the school.
ParentMail is an online service used by schools to communicate and collect payments from parents.
When you enrol your child at George Stephenson High School you will receive an email inviting you to register with ParentMail. By registering with ParentMail you give consent for information from George Stephenson High School to be sent to you.
For parents to get the best from this service it’s best to download the App
Sims Parent
SIMS Parent is an app (and website) that allows you to give digital consent to some of the forms below. It also allows you to view information about your child’s attendance, achievement, behaviour, home learning and update your contact details. SIMS Parent can be accessed via a mobile device or on a desktop computer. For more information on SIMS Parent and how to access it please visit our SIMS Parent information page.
All the above consents comply to General Data Protection Regulation of 2018 (GDPR) The link below takes you to George Stephenson High School GDPR section of the website (https://www.gshs.org.uk/information/gdpr)