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Information about

Staff members:

Mrs H Smith  (HES) Curriculum Leader

Mrs C Barclay (CLB)

Mrs J Elliott (JAE)

Dr T Fisher (TFI)

Mr K Harrison (KAH)

Mrs C Jordan (CJO)

Mr M Kearns (MKE)

Mrs N Laughlin (NLA)

MRs J Misurello (JYM)

Mrs L Prior (LAP)

Ms J Torbitt (JTR)

Mrs L Welsh (LYW)


​​Curriculum Intent

iLearn is a Year 7 course designed to develop students’ skills in metacognition and self-regulation. 

The course begins with an introduction to how our brains work and how students can use this information to help them become more successful learners. They are introduced to the GSHS Success Builder which will be used across the school curriculum and throughout their time at GSHS.

In following units, students develop their metacognitive and self-regulation skills in a series of project-based learning challenges that link to the school values of Ambition, Respect and Community. These will include a ‘Future Me’ project, a challenge to change the school in 6 weeks and some charity fundraising.

In addition to these projects, the iLearn course provides opportunities to develop literacy through regular reading-based lessons and Home Learning, and oracy skills through debates and presentations.

iLearn offers students the opportunity to be creative while developing the skills they will need to be successful both in school and throughout their lives.

iLearn Scheme of work

iLearn Curriculum Mapping SoW

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